June 25, 2024

Agile is Dead, long live to Agile2!

Is your Agile implementation feeling more like a chaotic roller coaster than a smooth ride to productivity? You're not alone.

Is your Agile implementation feeling more like a chaotic roller coaster than a smooth ride to productivity? You're not alone. Despite the hype surrounding Agile methodologies, many teams find themselves struggling with subpar results, diminishing returns, and a growing sense of frustration. It's time to face the truth: Agile, as it's commonly practiced, might be dead. But don't despair – there's hope for those willing to embrace the true spirit of agility.

Since its inception in 2001, Agile has been hailed as the solution to software development woes. Teams worldwide have adopted various frameworks like Scrum, SAFe, and XP, hoping to increase productivity and deliver better results. However, the reality often falls short of expectations. According to the 17th State of Agile Report from survey, while 71% of organizations practice Agile, only 11% respond that they are “very satisfied” with it. This disconnect between adoption and success suggests that something is fundamentally wrong with how Agile is being implemented.

The Problem with "Doing" Agile

The core issue lies in the misconception that Agile is something you "do" rather than something you "are."
Many organizations focus on implementing Agile practices without truly embracing the Agile mindset. This leads to what I call the "XGH Framework" – the eXtreme Go Horse Methodology – a satirical take on the worst ways to apply Agile principles that originate from South America.

XGH in action looks something like this:

I think, therefore it’s not XGH.
In XGH you don’t think, you do the first thing that comes to your mind. There’s not a second option as the first one is faster.

XGH is completely reactive.
Errors only come to exist when someone notices them.

Be authentic. XGH doesn’t follow patterns.
Write code as you see fit. If it solves the problem, commit and forget about it!

XGH is anarchic.
There’s no need for a project manager. There’s no owner and everyone does whatever they want when the problems and requirements appear.

While these points are exaggerated, they highlight the pitfalls many teams fall into when they focus on the letter of Agile rather than its spirit.

The Failure of Agile: A Pioneer's Perspective

The failure of Agile isn't just anecdotal; it's a concern shared by some of the methodology's pioneers. In 2020, The Agile2 movement started from Cliff Berg voice that Agile and particularly Scrum as it is sold, delivered and explain as failed to be successfully implemented in companies.

Despite expectations that it would mature over time, the Agile community has instead splintered into competing factions. Large organizations attempting to scale Agile often fail, and there's no consensus on how to implement Agile methods at scale. Interestingly, while Agile coaches tend to remain optimistic about the state of Agile, programmers – the very people Agile was designed to help – often express disappointment with their experiences.

This disconnect points to a fundamental problem: the Agile community has been unable to define what "real" Agile is, leading to misinterpretations and extreme implementations that stray far from the original balanced approach outlined in the Agile Manifesto.

The True Spirit of Agility

To truly thrive in an Agile environment, teams need to focus on principles rather than practices. Here are some key ideas to consider:

  1. Feedback-Driven Value: Make decisions based on real user feedback, not assumptions.
  2. Communication is Key: Don't hide behind emails and chat apps. Face-to-face communication often solves problems faster.
  3. Ownership Mentality: Every team member should take responsibility for their work and its impact on the project.
  4. Hire Right: A strong team starts with a solid hiring process. Don't compromise on talent.
  5. Consistency is Crucial: Establish and maintain consistent practices across your team and projects.
  6. Recognize and Reward: Acknowledge good work, even if it's just with kind words or a team lunch.
  7. Meaningful Meetings Only: If a recurring meeting doesn't produce actionable outcomes, cut it.
  8. Automate everything: Your Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) should be as automated as possible.

These principles focus on creating an environment where Agile can flourish naturally, rather than being forced through rigid frameworks.

The Role of Tools and Frameworks

While tools and frameworks can be helpful, they shouldn't be the driving force behind your Agile implementation. As the saying goes, "A fool with a tool is still a fool." Focus on cultivating an Agile mindset within your team and organization first. Once that foundation is laid, you can selectively adopt tools and practices that enhance your workflow.


The death of Agile doesn't mean the end of agility. By shifting focus from "doing Agile" to "being Agile," teams can unlock the true potential of this philosophy. It's not about following a specific framework or using the latest project management tool. Instead, it's about fostering a culture of continuous improvement, open communication, and adaptability. As we move forward, the most successful teams will be those that embrace the spirit of Agile while tailoring their practices to their unique needs and challenges.

Remember, in the world of software development, the only constant is change – and true agility is about embracing that change, not resisting it.


Written by

Pierre Tomasina

Pierre is DevSecOps Consultant with 15 years in the industry, specializing in Software Development, Cloud and Cybersecurity. Experienced in developing SaaS platforms, he is proficient in programming languages including Go, Rust, TypeScript, Python, and Java, and is passionate about open-source technologies. His expertise also extends to IT strategy and security in regulated environments.

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